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- To receive your AutoDevKit™ free board coupon,
- And pick up a free AutoDevKit™ board at our booth: Hall 4A Stand 138.
ST’s AutoDevKit™ is an integrated development ecosystem for fast prototyping Automotive and Transportation applications.
The focus is on helping designers quickly upgrade from traditional automotive solutions to new, innovative technologies such as replacing bulbs with LEDs, adopting more BLDC motors, ….

A straightforward and time-saving development initiative, the AutoDevKit helps automotive application engineers evaluate, prototype, develop and deploy complex embedded systems.
The main advantages are:
- Fast prototyping
- Flexibility
- MCU platform independent
AutoDevKit fully exploits ST’s complete automotive product portfolio by creating software components for each feature provided by the different functional boards.
For each component, developers will have access to a high-level API (Application Programming Interface) masking implementation details.