Discover the STM32 with a free 32-bit Cortex-M0-0+ MCU Professional Developer’s Package webinar

Learn the advantages of upgrading your designs with entry-level and ultra-low-power STM32 microcontrollers using a professional development ecosystem.

Join us on June 22nd at 12 noon CDT

Listen to a 1-hour webinar on the free 32-bit Cortex-M0/0+ MCU Professional Developer’s Package.  You will learn:

  • how to upgrade standard and ultra-low-power 8/16-bit MCU designs with the STM32F0/L0 series of Cortex-M0/M0+ MCUs
  • how to get started with your development using the STM32L0 Discovery kit, STM32Cube firmware library and the free Keil MDK-ARM for STM32F0 and STM32L0 (a complete professional IDE for STM32F0 and STM32L0 MCUs) 
  • how to generate, debug and run your first project using the STM32CubeMX graphical software configuration tool to rapidly get your next STM32 project off the ground.

Application experts will be available to answer your questions directly online. 

Click here to register for our webinar now!


Webinar Agenda (CDT)

12:00PM – 12.45 PM

  • Presentation on STM32F0/L0 microcontrollers and the benefits of upgrading your design using the associated comprehensive development ecosystem 
  • Description of how to get started on your design with our entry-level and ultra-low-power STM32 microcontrollers that reduces development costs and shortens time-to-market
  • How to use the STM32CubeMX to generate, debug and run a project using the STM32L0 Discovery kit

12.45PM – 1:00PM

  • Q&A Session