Product overview
The STSW-BNRG_V1-DK evaluation SW package is based on the BlueNRG-1 very low power Bluetooth low energy (BLE) single-mode system-on-chip with 160 KB of Flash memory, 24KB of RAM, 32-bit core ARM®Cortex® -M0 and ADC, GPIOs, I²C, RTC, SPI, Timers, UART,WDG and RTC peripherals. The STSW-BNRG_V1-DK SW package supports the BlueNRG-1 kit platforms available on relative web page. It provides a Bluetooth low energy binary library targeting the BLE stack family v1.x, with a complete set of APIs and related events callbacks allowing to interface with the Bluetooth low energy features offered by the BlueNRG-1 device. The SW package also provides a set of BLE demonstration applications regarding some typical Bluetooth low energy working scenarios. Each demonstration application comes with a complete set of header and source files. The STSW-BNRG_V1-DK SW package contains a complete set of peripheral drivers (header and source files), which allow interface with the device peripherals (ADC, GPIOs,I²C,RTC, SPI, Timers, UART and WDG, RTC), and a complete set of related demonstration applications (header and source files). The BlueNRG-1 Navigator PC application included in the software package provides an interactive, simple and user-friendly interface for the resources available in the SW package. It provides a way to select and run demonstration applications in a user-friendly manner, without the need for any extra hardware. It also provides direct access to demonstration applications documentation and BlueNRG-1 kit platform hardware resource descriptions. The BlueNRG-1 Flasher Utility in the software package is a PC application that allows device programing using the relative UART bootloader.
All features
- Bluetooth® SMART SW package supporting BlueNRG-1 Bluetooth® low energy (BLE) system-on-chip
- BlueNRG-1 Navigator PC application
- BlueNRG-1 Flasher Utility PC application
- Bluetooth low energy stack binary library v1.x and APIs, events callbacks interface
- BlueNRG-1 Bluetooth low energy demonstration applications
- BlueNRG-1 CMSIS files
- BlueNRG-1 peripheral drivers and related examples
- BlueNRG-1 SDK and HAL drivers
- BlueNRG-1 kit platform support