Power management

Digital power control drivers

STLUXTM turns on your innovative ideas

STLUXTM digital controllers are the world’s first programmable controllers specifically optimized for lighting applications.

The innovative SMED (state machine, event-driven) digital technology and the integrated microcontroller make STLUXTM easily programmable and versatile. It can be configured with application-specific algorithms to optimize the overall system efficiency, enabling high-performance and cost-effective lighting design.

SMED is a hardware state machine triggered by internal or external events. In power-supply applications, for example, a SMED can close the regulation loop and automatically switch off the circuit when it detects an overcurrent or a short circuit, so protecting the circuit. Since SMEDs are embedded, they guarantee an event reaction time shorter than that provided by standard interrupt-driven microprocessors.

The first member of the family, STLUX385A, also integrates DALI (digital addressable lighting interface) for remote control and monitoring.

Features and benefits

  • 6 SMED-controlled PWMs providing full control of any power conversion stage
  • Integrated DALI enabling control, communication and monitoring functions
  • Integrated digital core making STLUX easy to use and programmable
  • New customizable and load-tailored algorithms ensuring very high efficiency
  • Fault detector improving reliability
  • Single-chip solution saving space when compared to discrete solutions