SPC58 H line MCUs

The SPC58 Chorus H Line is part of our portfolio of General-Purpose Automotive Power Architecture® microcontrollers (MCUs). It is designed for high-end body, networking and security applications such as gateways, body control modules, battery management and ADAS safety systems.

The SPC58 Chorus H Line offers a triple-core solution (200 MHz) providing a seamless extension with compatible devices having from 2 up to 10 Mbytes of Flash memory. Moreover, it is pin-to-pin compatible with the other Chorus MCUs: the SPC58 4B and SPC58 C Lines.

In addition to a rich set of communication interfaces including 2 Ethernet, 16 ISO CAN FD and 24 LIN interfaces, this triple-core solution introduces new features to support connected gateway applications with Gigabit Ethernet MAC for fast downloads, a hyperbus interface to extend the internal RAM and an eMMC interface for storing large data files.

With its 100 Mbit/s interprocessor communication interface, the SPC58 H Line is designed for system scalability coupling two SPC58 H Line devices to build a system with 6 cores, 20 Mbytes of Flash memory and 2 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces.

Designed in compliance with ISO 26262 specifications, the SPC58 H Line meets safety standards up to ASIL-D as well as the EVITA full security level with support for asymmetric keys.
SPC58 H Line MCUs are available in multiple packages ranging from eTQFP144 and eLQFP176 to LFBGA302/386.