Microcontrollers & microprocessors

STM32 Arm Cortex MPUs

Industrial-grade microprocessors

Complex embedded systems in industrial and consumer applications manage high processing loads in real time, while providing with rich human machine interfaces (HMIs) and optimizing power consumption.

The STM32 family of general-purpose 32-bit microprocessors (MPUs) provides developers with greater design flexibility and performance. STM32 application processors are based on single or dual Arm Cortex®-A cores, combined with a Cortex®-M core. From cost-effective, single-core MPUs to more advanced, multicore MPUs, ST offers a scalable approach to help developers find the right fit.

A strong, user-friendly ecosystem

STM32 application processors leverage the proven software, tools, and technical support provided by the STM32 family ecosystem.

Discover our portfolio

STM32MPU ecosystem

Boards & hardware tools
STM32 discovery kit, STM32MP135F-DK, STM32 hardware development tools, STM32 Ecosystem
Embedded software
Embedded software
Software development tools
STM32 software tools
STM32 Ecosystem, STM32Trust, STM32 Graphical user interfaces, STM32 AI, STM32 Motor control, STM32 digital power ecosystem, STM32 Cloud solutions

Selected partners

Develop your product in less than 6 months

STAuthorizedPartner, System-on-module, SoM, SiP, system-in-package

Whether you are based in Europe, Asia, or US, we select partners that provide highly integrated modules based on STM32MPUs to help you save time and costs in your design.

Getting started with support

MPU wiki knowledge articles Articles to discover the STM32MP1 series and associated ecosystems Check the ST wiki
STM32MPU on GitHub Discover this repo with a simple readme describing all STM32MP1 related GitHub projects, the open-source offer for the STM32 MPU products. Get from GitHub
STM32 MPU in ST Community Where STM32 customers, partners, experts, students, and ST employees go to learn, share expériences, ideas, and solve issues Join the community
Partners tools and ecosystem Find the partner that you need to design your system architecture, software, hardware, firmware, and full system design Find a partner
SoM, SiP, discrete solutions Accelerate your MPU application development Read now
STM32 MPU education Bring your STM32 project to life with the free educational resources created by our engineers. MOOC Online training
White paper: STM32 MPU and secure boot Protecting OEM assets and ensuring firmware integrity through STM32 and open-source solutions Get now
STM32 MPU stories & innovations Discover the latest developments, success stories and events in the field of STM32 MPU. Read the blog
OpenSTLinux distribution Mainlined open-source Linux distribution Discover now
OpenSTDroid distribution STM32MPU Distribution for Android™ Discover now

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