Power transistors

Power transistors

power transistors

Leading-edge power technologies for both high-and low-voltage applications combined with a full package range and innovative die bonding technologies exemplify ST’s innovation in power transistors belonging to the STPOWER family. ST offers a wide portfolio of power MOSFETs ranging from -100 to 1700 V, IGBTs with breakdown voltages ranging from 300 to 1700 V and power bipolar transistors ranging from 15 to 1700 V. Due to the improved thermal design of ST's power electronics systems, our silicon-carbide (SiC) MOSFETs ensure good robustness thanks to the industry’s highest temperature rating of 200 °C and voltage ranging from 650 to 2200 V. As well as, our Gallium Nitride on silicon substrate (GaN/Si) transistors allow highest efficiency and highest power density thanks to outstanding specific dynamic on-state resistance and small capacitances ranging to 100, 650 and 900 V.

Our wide STPOWER product portfolio combined with state-of-the art packaging (i.e. discrete and module) and protections for high reliability and safety helps designers find the right solutions for customized, high-efficiency applications that will last a long lifetime.

ST’s 10-year longevity commitment program ensures stable and continuous supply for customers

ST has certified several STPOWER high-voltage MOSFETs, IGBTs and Intelligent Power Modules (IPMs) for 10-year longevity. STPOWER SiC MOSFETs are also included in the program, with a minimum longevity commitment of 7 years. This program supports customer design investments by ensuring that selected devices are available during a minimum of 10 or 7 years from the notification date.

Check-out the list of our certified STPOWER transistors and modules here.

Wide bandgap transistor

wide bandgap transistors sic mosfetSiC MOSFET from 650 V to 2200 V complemented by GaN transistor from 100 V, 650 V and 900 V allowing for increased power efficiency, smaller size, lighter weight, lower system cost or all of these together.



Broad range of breakdown voltages from -100 V to 1700 V, with low gate charge and low on-resistance, combined with state-of-the art packaging.



Breakdown voltages from 300 V to 1700 V. Low VCE(SAT) for reduced conduction losses. Improved switch-off energy spread versus increasing temperature.

Power Bipolar

power bipolar

The range includes Darlington transistors and BJTs with a VCES from 15 V to 1700 V.

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