Near field communication (NFC) is a specialized subset of the 13.56 MHz RFID HF technology. NFC is a convenient, always-on, low-power wireless technology, which operates within a 10 cm range approximately.

- Embedding a single NFC chip into a product can significantly enhance its value for end users, resulting in an improved experience when using the device and ultimately driving greater consumer engagement. By simply tapping NFC-enabled devices with a mobile phone, users can leverage multiple NFC functionalities, such as:
- wireless parameter setting
- firmware upgrades
- secure data/diagnostic readout
This enables new application possibilities, like access control, data tracking, device pairing, and contributes to improving existing ones, such as contactless payment.
How to choose the right NFC product types for your application?
The ST25 product family offers a complete portfolio of NFC tag ICs and dynamic tag ICs, as well as NFC reader ICs for a wide variety of wireless applications. ST25 products are certified by the NFC Forum, ensuring interoperability.

- Dynamic NFC tags are advanced ICs. A dynamic tag provides more flexibility than a tag. One of the key differences between these two NFC products is that the memory content of a dynamic tag can be accessed in two different ways:
- either using an NFC-enabled mobile phone or another device featuring an NFC reader
- or using a wired link from a microcontroller, such as I2C from STM32

Discover our portfolio of ST25 NFC tags and readers
The ST25 family of NFC tags and readers offers several product series that enable extended features, such as energy harvesting, active wave shaping, and digital signature. The ST25 portfolio comes with an extensive ecosystem of development boards, tools, and software, and worldwide support to accelerate your development.