ST's MDmesh super-junction (SJ) MOSFETs with a breakdown voltage range from 250 V to 650 V offer an extremely low on-resistance (RDS(on)) down to 12 mΩ (650 V) in a MAX-247 package. ST proposal includes also the latest STMESH trench super-junction (SJ) family, standard and fast version, with a breakdown voltage of 600 V.
STPOWER MOSFET standard series
Different dedicated product series are available depending on the target circuit topology and application. Technology versatility and flexibility allow system designers to get a large variety of options from the previous series (M2,M5,M6) to the latest M9 that is suitable both for hard switching topologies and for resonant ones, massively used on high-power density system. In addition, ST offers the T series belonging to the STMESH trench family mainly suitable for hard switching topologies used for high power applications.
STPOWER MOSFET fast-recovery body diode series
Furthermore, MDmesh series also includes the version (DM2,DM6,DM9) with a fast recovery intrinsic diode. Thanks to an added platinum diffusion process with respect to the standard process, an enhancing in the performance of the integral body-diode in terms of reduced reverse recovery time trr, and reverse recovery charge Qrr plus improved dv/dt (DMx series) has been obtained, all features being ideal in bridge and high-power phase-shift circuits.
Our wide STPOWER MOSFETs > 200 V to 700 V product portfolio, combined with state-of-the-art packaging and protections for high reliability and safety, helps to find the right solutions for customized, high-efficiency applications that will last a long lifetime.