Product overview
Available either in through-hole or surface mount packages, the BTA10, BTB10 and T10xx Triac series are suitable for general purpose mains power AC switching. They can be used as ON/OFF function in applications such as static relays, heating regulation or induction motor starting circuit. They are also recommended for phase control operations in light dimmers and appliance motors speed controllers.
The Snubberless™ versions (W suffix and T10xx) are especially recommended for use on inductive loads, because of their high commutation performance. By using an internal ceramic pad, the Snubberless™ series provide an insulated tab (rated at 2500 VRMS) complying with UL standards (file reference: E81734).
All features
- Medium current Triac
- Low thermal resistance with clip bonding
- Low thermal resistance insulation ceramic for insulated BTA
- High commutation (4Q) or very high commutation (3Q, Snubberless™) capability
- BTA series UL1557 certified (file ref: 81734)
- Packages are RoHS (2002/95/EC) compliant
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