STM32Cube MCU & MPU packages are part of the STM32Cube ecosystem.
For every STM32 MCU and MPU series, they offer all the required embedded software bricks to operate the available set of peripherals.
- STM32Cube MCU and MPU packages for each individual STM32 MCU and MPU series include:
- The hardware abstraction layer (HAL) enabling portability between different STM32 devices via standardized API calls
- Low-layer (LL) APIs, a lightweight, optimized, expert-oriented set of APIs designed for both performance and runtime efficiency
- A collection of middleware components including RTOS, USB library, file system, TCP/IP stack, touch-sensing library, or graphics library (depending on the STM32 series)
- RF stacks such as Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.4, OpenThread, Zigbee 3.0, LoRaWAN®, and Sigfox, which are specific to every STM32 wireless series
- For STM32 MPUs only, the BSP drivers are based on HAL drivers and provide an API set for the evaluation board and third-party components