STPOWER RF DMOS transistors

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ST offers a broad portfolio of RF DMOS (double-diffused metal oxide semiconductor) transistors operating from a supply voltage ranging from 50 up to 100 V with high reliability (1 million power cycles). Targeting applications in the 1 to 250 MHz frequency range, our RF DMOS transistors feature high peak power (up to 1.2 kW) and high ruggedness capability (infinite:1 VSWR).

Based on an optimized process layout resulting in improved RF performance, ST’s RF DMOS transistors are ideal for:

  • RF plasma generators
  • Laser drivers
  • RF Heating & Defrosting
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • HF transceivers
  • FM broadcast

In addition to devices housed in ST’s innovative STAC® air cavity package featuring a 25% lower thermal resistance, we also offers a range of moisture-resistant RF transistors available in gel-filled package, providing a cost-effective solution for equipment operating in high-moisture environments.

To help engineers quickly get their designs to market, we offer a wide range of evaluation boards as well as several software simulators and analysis tools.