Product overview
The APWorkbench software suite provides a comprehensive environment for the customer to explore, evaluate and configure devices within ST’s product portfolio for audio applications, including stereo and multi-channel amplifiers, DSP and digital MEMS microphones. The tool represents a unique solution enabling the user to conveniently evaluate, configure and tune advanced audio IPs embedded in ST’s Sound Terminal®products. Custom controls and a user-friendly graphical interface expose the complexity of today's audio devices in a simple and intuitive manner, guiding the novice through the basic configuration steps and providing acoustic expertise to tune the devices for optimal performance.
The Sound Terminal®demonstration boards can be thoroughly controlled by APWorkbench through a USB-connected interface (APWLink, STEVAL-CCA035V1).
Digital MEMS microphones can be evaluated using a specific demonstration kit, based on the STA321MP microphone processor (STSmartVoice demonstration board, STEVAL-MKI126V1 or STEVAL-MKI126V3), and connected to the PC via a USB interface (STAudioHub interface, STEVAL-MKI138V1). The STSmartVoice kit is digitally controlled by APWorkbench and the sound recorded from the microphones can be analyzed and visually represented by means of real-time virtual instrumentation (oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers, etc.). Up to six digitally connected microphones can be processed. This comprehensive microphone kit, enhanced by the APWorkbench suite, represents a unique solution on the market and enables a digital MEMS microphone offering for the mass market.
All features
- Comprehensive audio development suite based on proprietary technology from STMicroelectronics
- Integrated Launch-Wizard with sub-family and product selector
- Intuitive and user-friendly multi-tab interface with grouped device controls
- Virtual scopes and FFT analyzer for real-time visualization of acquired signals (MEMS microphone kit required)
- Specialized graphical controls to intuitively configure complex audio IPs:
- Crossover filtering computation
- Multi-band DRC / Limiters
- Automated speaker compensation
- Full access to the I2C register map of the selected product
- Point-and-click programmable equalizer offering various types of filters:
- Peak, low/high-pass, low/high-shelf, notch, all-pass, band-pass
- Convenient preset memories to quickly store/recall user configurations
- Logger window exposing all I/O transactions (I2C operations) and RAM operations, for both registers and coefficients
- Scripting language to instruct configuration commands from either the integrated console or archived text files
- Seamless connection with the device under test (DUT) via proprietary USB interfaces:
- STAudioHub (STEVAL-MKI138V1)