STDES-SICGP4 reference design: testing SiC MOSFET performance in half-bridge topology

Fast and easy performance evaluation of STPOWER SiC MOSFETs in an HiP247-4 (four leads) package

Fast and easy performance evaluation of STPOWER SiC MOSFETs in an HiP247-4 (four leads) package

This reference design allows evaluation of the switching and thermal performance of power SiC MOSFETs in a HiP247-4 (four leads) package in half-bridge topology.The design includes the necessary elements to implement a double pulse testing (DPT) environment and explore silicon carbide operation in buck or boost configuration. This testing platform is a valuable tool for optimizing designs and ensuring maximum efficiency in final applications.

Key features

  • Driven by the STGAP2HS galvanic isolated gate driver
  • Isolated gate drivers supplied by an isolated fly-buck converter
  • Preset +18 V/-3 V supply voltage for output stage of isolated gate drivers
  • Low inductance sense resistor
  • Coaxial shunt resistor
  • 1 kV max. DC input/output voltage
  • 69 A Input current level peak (duration up to 100 μs)

Key applications

Power supplies & converters

DC-DC converter

Industrial power supply

Recommended resources

STDES-SICGP4 testing platform of SiC MOSFETs

Getting started with the testing platform of SiC MOSFETs for HiP247-4 packages

Getting started with the testing platform of SiC MOSFETs for HiP247-4 packages

User manual

The STDES-SICGP4 is a testing platform reference design developed to test the high-speed switching performance of ST silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFETs. The platform implements a half-bridge configuration suitable for HiP247-4 packages.

STDES-SICGP4 test report

Technical note

The platform consists of a half-bridge structure featuring HiP247-4 package, along with gate driver and isolated auxiliary supply. The digital signal can be externally connected to the gate driver inputs to control MOSFETs by switching to a half-bridge structure. This kit enables testing of MOSFET switching performance using the double-pulse test (DPT) and other test scenarios.