Copyright © 2023 STMicroelectronics
All rights reserved
Component | Copyright | License |
Cortex-M CMSIS | Arm Limited | Apache-2.0 |
STM32L5xx CMSIS | Arm Limited, STMicroelectronics | Apache-2.0 |
STM32L5xx HAL | STMicroelectronics | BSD-3-Clause |
BSP STM32L5xx_NUCLEO_144 | STMicroelectronics | BSD-3-Clause |
BSP STM32L552E_EVAL | STMicroelectronics | BSD-3-Clause |
BSP STM32L562E_DISCOVERY | STMicroelectronics | BSD-3-Clause |
BSP Components | STMicroelectronics | BSD-3-Clause |
STM32 TouchSensing Library | STMicroelectronics | SLA |
STM32 USBPD Core Library | STMicroelectronics | SLA |
STM32 USBPD Device Library | STMicroelectronics | SLA |
STM32 USB Device Library | STMicroelectronics | SLA |
FatFS | ChaN - STMicroelectronics | BSD-3-Clause |
FreeRTOS kernel |, Inc. or its affiliates | MIT |
mbed-crypto | Arm Limited (or its affiliates) | Apache-2.0 |
mbedTLS | Arm Limited | Apache-2.0 |
mcuboot | Linaro Limited, Arm Limited (or its affiliates), JUUL Labs, Nordic Semiconductor ASA, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, Runtime Inc, Open Source Foundries Limited, Intel Corporation, Wind River Systems, Inc., The Linux Foundation and its contributors, the fiat-crypto authors, Chris Morrison, Kenneth MacKay | Apache-2.0 |
trustedfirmware | ARM Limited, Wind River Systems, Inc., Linaro Limited, Laurence Lundblade, The Linux Foundation, IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors | BSD-3-Clause |
Applications projects | STMicroelectronics | SLA |
Demonstrations projects | STMicroelectronics | SLA |
Examples Projects | STMicroelectronics | BSD-3-Clause |
Utilities | STMicroelectronics | BSD-3-Clause |