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Embedded Coder Support for STM32-based boardsProduct overview
The STM32 Embedded Target enables you to quickly deploy your application models in MATLAB and Simulink to STM32 MCUs.
STM32-MAT/TARGET allows running Simulink applications models for STM32 MCUs.
In a first step, run Simulink application models, using Processor In the Loop (PIL) configuration and USART communication link. Results are the Code generation report and the Code execution profiling report.
In a second step, STM32 Embedded Target provides a Simulink blockset library, containing STM32 peripherals, to manage peripherals data. The generated code can be built and downloaded on the target.
All features
- Simulink applications configuration for STM32 microcontrollers.
- STM32 configuration is done with STM32CubeMX
- Automatic "C" code generation for STM32 is based on STM32Cube HAL libraries.
- Processor In the Loop (PIL) with USART RTioStream
- Reporting:
- Code generation
- Code execution profiling
- STM32 peripherals Simulink library models
eDesignSuite is a comprehensive set of easy-to-use design-aid utilities ready to help you streamline the system development process with a wide range of ST products.
Power Management Design Center
Thermal-electrical Simulators for Components
Signal Conditioning Design Tool
NFC/RFID Calculators
Power Supply Design Tool
LED Lighting Design Tool
Digital Power Workbench
Power Tree Designer
AC Switches Simulator
Rectifier Diodes Simulator
Twister Sim
TVS Simulator