APEC 2021
June 14-17, 2021
It has been over a year since we were able to gather the Applied Power Electronics community. While we will miss meeting in-person, the APEC committee has worked hard to bring the community together.
If you missed us, or would like to learn more, please join us June 22 & 23 for our FREE ST Technology Days 2021. Our experts will present over 20 mini-sessions with Live Q&A. Full agenda available HERE.
ST Expert Presentations
Date | Time (EDT) | Track | Title | ST Speaker |
June 14 | 9:45 am | Plenary Session Keynote | Wide Bandgap technologies: enabling a broader power application domain | Edoardo Merli, Power Transistor Macro-Division General Manager and Group Vice President |
June 14 | 2:00 – 3:00 pm | RAP Session 1 | Distributed vs. centralized control for micro-grid and nano-grid | Vipin Bothra |
Beginning June 9 | On Demand | Industrial Session-IS04 | High Voltage integrated Smart GaN boosting consumer applications | Francesco Gennaro |
June 14 | 4:00 – 5:00 pm | IS04 – Presenter Q&A Panels | Francesco Gennaro | |
Beginning June 9 | On Demand | Industrial Session -IS12 | Battery-free wireless sensor node | Roberto La Rosa |
June 16 | 4:00 – 5:00 pm | IS12 – Presenter Q&A Panel | Francesco Gennaro | |
Beginning June 9 | On Demand | Industrial Session – IS14 | Integrated Smart System for GaN based Class D Amplifier for low voltage automotive applications | Francesco Gennaro |
June 16 | 5:00 – 6:00 pm | IS14 – Presenter Q&A Panel | Roberto La Rosa | |
Beginning June 9 | On Demand | Industrial Session – IS17 | Voltage unbalance investigation in HERIC inverter and MOSFET role | Domenico Nardo |
June 17 | 1:00 – 2:00 pm | IS17 Presenter Q&A Panel | Domenico Nardo | |
Beginning June 14 | On Demand | Exhibitor Seminars | Evolution of Power Delivery for Cloud Computing | Jeff Halbig |
Power Hungry?
We have lots more to share – join us for the following week for
ST Technology Days - Innovations in Power LIVE June 22 & 23!
Eight Sessions
20+ mini-presentations
Live Q&A
On-demand content
Don't miss it