ELIV (Electronics In Vehicles)

International Congress ELIV (Electronics In Vehicles) 

October 20-21, 2021 Bonn
World Conference Center Booth # 61

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A key event for automotive manufacturers, suppliers and software companies, the international ELIV (Electronics In Vehicles) congress gathers together engineers and industry experts where they can present new technologies and discuss the latest innovations.
Come visit us at Booth #61 to learn how ST is helping transform Smart Mobility.

Meet out experts, share insights about trending topics and learn about:

We will also showcase the back end of an Audi A6 e-tron concept car with 3-dimensional OLED taillights highlighting the technological and economic advantages of the CAN FD Light communication protocol and our OLED driver products.
Be sure not to miss the opening day conference by ST’s Amir Klug about a Perceptive Advanced Car-driver Drowsiness Monitoring Neuro-Embedded System. The conference takes place Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at 4:45 pm in room Vienna (Wien) close to our booth.
To schedule a meeting with one of our experts, please contact your ST representative.

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