As an embedded software engineer...
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Quickly learn how our revolutionary approach designed by Engineers for Engineers enables fast prototyping to speed up your Transportation application development.
Let’s hear from Stacey about AutoDevKit™ and its ecosystem!
Featured application of the month
Vehicle blind spot detection and alerting system – AutoDevKit educational tool
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AutoDevKit development approach...
Play this video to see how AutoDevKit (AEK for short) enables you to prototype and standardize complex car ECUs by proposing a complete development cycle.
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A set of online short tutorials to learn AutoDevKit ecosystem step-by-step:
To help you simplify and speed up your familiarization with our toolset, and reduce your application development phase.
Download and install the AutoDevKit Software | Create a new application project in the SPC5Studio environment |
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Watch to simply install the AutoDevKit, following step-by-step operating instructions | Watch to create your project step by step, choose the MCU platform, set-up the application components and generate the application code. |
Add a component in the SPC5Studio application | Configure MCU pins with the PinMap editor (and graphical interface) |
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Watch to pick how SPC5Studio and AutoDevKit simplify the configuration of an embedded system, outsmarting pitfalls. | Watch to understand how the PinMap editor tool facilitates the prototype pin configuration, freing you from managing detailed hardware connectivity. |
Connect the MCU board to the 'other' board with the Board View | Using APIs to control chip settings |
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Watch to master the Board View tool, focusing on the connection between the MCU board and the LED driver board (user case). | Watch to see how you can control chip functions and features; a very high level and easy-to-use method or an advanced low-level access is available. |