
Ultra-Low Power Time-of-Flight sensors

To achieve the lowest power consumption possible using our Time-of-Flight (ToF) sensors, we have created a set of drivers that effectively configures a FlightSense™ sensor as an energy-saving proximity detector. Moreover, as soon as an object is detected, the driver switches the sensor back into standard ranging mode taking full advantage of our Time-of-Flight (ToF) technology.

Fully embedded in the firmware, the sensor's settings and ranging flows are especially designed to significantly reduce power consumption.

FlightSense™ single ranging sensors with Ultra-low-power (ULP) mode




Able to detect objects at up to 1400 mm with just 65 μA current consumption at 1 Hz ranging frequency in ULP mode

The ultra-low-power driver (STSW-IMG032) can easily set the VL53L1CX FlightSense™ sensor in ULP mode as an energy-saving proximity detector.

As soon as the sensor detects an object, the driver switches the sensor back into ranging mode with accurate ranging up 4 meters, fast ranging frequency (50 Hz) and customized field of view (FoV).

Able to detect objects at up to 840 mm with just 55 μA current consumption at 1 Hz ranging frequency in ULP mode

The ultra-low-power driver (STSW-IMG033) can easily set the VL53L3CX FlightSense™ sensor in ULP mode as an energy-saving proximity detector.

As soon as the sensor detects an object, the driver switches the sensor back into full histogram ranging mode with accurate multi-target ranging up 5 meters using ST histogram algorithms, cover glass crosstalk immunity beyond 80 cm, and dynamic smudge compensation.

Able to detect objects at up to 1100 mm with just 55 μA current consumption at 1 Hz ranging frequency in ULP mode

The ultra-low-power driver (STSW-IMG034) can easily set the VL53L4CD FlightSense™ sensor in ULP mode as an energy-saving proximity detector.

As soon as the sensor detects an object, the driver switches the sensor back into ranging mode with accurate ranging from only 1 mm up to 1300 mm. Its new-generation laser emitter with 18° FoV improves performance under ambient light, with a ranging speed up to 100 Hz.

Ultra Low Power driver benefits



Lowest consumption

65 µA at 800 mm

Longest detection distance

300 µA at 1400 mm

Lowest consumption

55 µA at 230 mm

Longest detection distance

240 µA at 840 mm

Lowest consumption

55 µA at 310 mm

Longest detection distance

240 µA at 1090 mm

Markets and applications

 Smart faucets Smart faucets
 Smart toilets Smart toilets
 Smart urinals Smart urinals
 Smart bins Smart bins
 Coffee machine Coffee machine
 Vending machine Vending machine

Complete toolset for development

VL53L1CX development tools​


VL53L3CX development tools


VL53L4CD development tools


Ready-to-use VL53L1CX evaluation kit with adjustable cover glass holder and Arduino UNO R3 connectors as well as full system software including example code and graphical user interface.

Two VL53L1CX breakout boards can be connected using two 10-pin connectors.

Ready-to-use VL53L3CX evaluation kit with adjustable cover glass holder and Arduino UNO R3 connectors as well as full system software including example code and graphical user interface.

Two VL53L3CX breakout boards can be connected using two 10-pin connectors.

Ready-to-use VL53L4CD evaluation kit with adjustable cover glass holder and Arduino UNO R3 connectors as well as full system software including example code and graphical user interface.


Small breakout boards can be easily integrated into development prototypes and powered with 3.3V supply via flying wires.


Small breakout boards can be easily integrated into development prototypes and powered with 3.3V supply via flying wires.


Small breakout boards can be easily integrated into development prototypes and powered with 3.3V supply via flying wires.

webinar mems pressure sensors


  • Ultra-low-power system architecture
  • Potential markets and use-cases
  • ULP driver features and benchmarks
  • Development tools and resources
  • Ordering information