June 23-27, 2024 in San Francisco, US
The Design Automation Conference (DAC) offers outstanding training, education, exhibits and superb networking opportunities for designers, researchers, tool developers and vendors.
This year ST will demonstrate its innovative solutions and methodologies in the field of not only designs but also how to build them. ST's experts will share their visions in the new era of design and verification flows, helping engineers design and create state-of-the-art solutions and reach the market on time while ensuring the highest quality.
Atul Bhargava, ST Senior Group Manager and Senior Member of Technical Staff is also part of the DAC front-end technical program committee.
We have several paper and poster presentations on the agenda showcasing our latest research on a variety of focus areas. You will also find us in the *Gladiator Arena with three presentations. Follow our agenda below!
Join ST experts for insightful DAC poster sessions.
Join ST at DAC 2024 and discover our innovative solutions and methodologies in the field of designs!
Join ST at DAC 2024 and discover our innovative solutions and methodologies in the field of designs!
San Francisco, US