Kinéis is a new French space actor, satellite operator, and global connectivity provider for the Internet of Things (IoT). Its vision is to help customers stay connected with what matters to them, by guaranteeing the transmission of data from their connected objects at any point on the globe thanks to their constellation of 25 satellites.
Kinéis helps you track, monitor, and receive alerts in near-real time anywhere on Earth, even in the most remote corners of the world. Kinéis operates for an international market in fields where the stakes are high for people, their activities, and their environment.
Products & Services offered by Kinéis
- Kinéis offers low-cost, low power, low data rate connectivity, everywhere around the globe. Through the integration of modules inside devices, Kinéis gives you the opportunity to track, monitor your fixed and moving assets everywhere.
- Kinéis offers connectivity for monitoring, asset tracking and data collection as well as global coverage.
- Kinéis has a stack, which is a software library including the frame builder and the radio software modulation using the RF transceiver in the STM32WL. Its function isto enable uplink radio messages transmission directto Kinéis satellites.
Kinéis in STMicroelectronics Ecosystem
Thanks to Kinéis’ software stack and low-level drivers for the radio part of STM32WL becomes compatible with the Kinéis system, reducing development cycles for new Kinéis-ready hardware developments.
STM32WL is a wireless MCU integrating a sub-gigahertz radio frequency transceiver.
It allows application code as well as the Kinéis software stack to be embedded on the same single component.
Kineis’ software stack and drivers consist of an easy-to-use precompiled code library, able to generate Kinéis modulations and to communicate with its satellites.
Kinéis: Related Resource

Products and Services offered:
• Embedded Software
• Global Services
Company Head Office address:
11 rue Hermes, parc technologique du Canal, 31520, Ramonville-St-Agne, France
Company primary contact:
Steve Hamard
Company website:
Partner Product | Description | Associated ST Products | |
Kineis stack | Software library including the frame builder | STM32WL5x NUCLEO-WL55JC |
Partner Product | Description | Associated ST Products | |
Kineis VAM Program | Kineis VAM Program is an offer to discover and design a new device with satellite IoT connectivity | STM32WL5x NUCLEO-WL55JC |
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