Terrestrial radio receivers

For terrestrial analog and digital radio, we offer a complete family of pin-to-pin compatible CMOS tuners, thus achieving maximum flexibility and architectural scalability for granting ST customers the most optimized solution from low-end to premium infotainment systems.

Our latest series of tuners include STAR (ST Advanced Radio) and DOT (Digital Output Tuner) ICs.


Digital Output Tuners (DOT)

Multi-standard RF front-end ICs tailored to software-defined radio applications

DOT Tuners are multi-standard RF front-end ICs tailored to software-defined radio applications.

DOT ICs support RF to baseband down-conversion of all analog and digital broadcast radio bands from AM-LW up to DAB L-band and feature high-speed I2S and JESD204B EMI-optimized digital output I/Q interfaces.

STA709 is already in mass production. STA710 was the first multi-standard dual-channel digital output tuner introduced on the market and has been already designed-in by several automotive car radio maker for the next-generation SDR architectures. 

ST Advanced Radio (STAR) Tuners

Single-chip radio receivers (RF + AM/FM demodulation)

STAR Tuners are single-chip radio receivers (RF + AM/FM demodulation) with multiple band support in dual- and single-tuner version. The small footprint package and minimum-BOM application circuit, combined with state-of-the-art performance, make STAR ICs the ideal solution for cost-optimized single- and dual-channel receiver architectures.

Learn more about TDA7708 and TDA7707.