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Cloud Amazon-based web application for asset tracking

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Product overview


The DSH-ASSETRACKING dashboard is a cloud application powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It provides a highly functional and intuitive interface tailored for the collection, visualization and analysis of asset tracking position as well as data from motion and environmental sensors such as temperature, humidity and pressure.

You can use the dashboard to plot and graph real-time or historical position data and sensor values, and to monitor operating conditions such as running temperature and events.

The cloud package can receive and process data streamed directly from compatible ST devices such as NFC Sensor Tag, STEVAL-STRKT01 IoT LoRa tracker and SensortTile.box with Bluetooth Low Energy, Sigfox and LTE nodes.

STMicroelectronics offers this service for free of charge evaluation as specified in the Terms of Usage.

Additional monitoring and limitations may be applied based on resource consumption to keep account usage under control.

  • All features

    • Application framework powered by AWS
    • Asset tracking position and overview map
    • Event monitoring with historical trends (i.e. wake-up, tilt, 6D orientation, overtemperature, over pressure)
    • Sensor data visualization, device live monitoring and historical trends for:
      • temperature
      • humidity
      • motion
      • pressure
    • Multitechnology connectivity solution:
      • NFC
      • Bluetooth Low Energy
      • Sigfox
      • LoRa
      • LTE
    • Data Volumes Limits can be applied

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