Inclusion. 5.20% of employees with disability at ST in France.
Training. 10 months upskilling program at ST's site in Muar.
Safety. 1,840 safety field visits at ST's site in Catania.
We are committed to provide our manufacturing employees with good and safe working conditions.
We protect the health and safety of employees and contractors and constantly promote a culture of well-being to create a positive working environment. We aim to foster an equitable and inclusive workplace and offer the best employee experience to attract and retain a diverse workforce.
Calamba (Philippines)
At our Calamba site, the management implemented the Employee Day on a quarterly basis. A two-way communication program between the site management and randomly selected employees, the program aims to allow the employees to identify or highlight areas for general improvement in the plant. This collective partnership between employees and management serves as the organizational barometer on employee morale, working conditions and inter or intra-peer relations.
Muar (Malaysia)
Technical vocational educational & training (TEVT) is an upskilling program implemented in our Muar site.
Launched in 2021, this 10-month program allows employees aged from 25 to 40 to upgrade their technical skills, based on 60% hands-on and 40% theory. Employees follow a dual-system program with 4 days of working and 2 full days of learning at a partner institute.
Catania (Italy)
Safety fields visits by managers are a key part of our “Safety First” approach and are in place in all our manufacturing sites. At ST's Catania site, managers make it a daily priority, with 1,617 visits performed in 2022, exceeding the initial target of 1,400 visits. This was instrumental in reducing the total recordable case rate (employees and contractors) to 0.07 (less than one case per 1,000 employees).
Tours (France)
ST France participates in the FIAM (inter-company scheme for adaptation to professions), a multi-enterprise professional education program created in 2017. FIAM trains disabled people to align their level of education with the needs of the electronics industry. At ST's Tours, this program has been in place since 2016, with the objective to hire a minimum of 50% of FIAM graduates. Such initiatives have led to an employment rate of employees with a disability of 8.11% at ST's Tour site in 2022 and 5.20% overall in France.