We generate long‑term value

for all stakeholders

group-people-flower-circle group-people-flower-circle

Involvement. 810+ community initiatives worldwide.

Commitment. 610 supplier audits on sustainability since 2015.

Education. 100,000+ 'STEM your way' beneficiaries.

We believe we have an important role to play in sustainability and that we are stronger if we act collectively.

Supporting our communities

We empower people and engage with communities where we operate.
Each one of our sites is encouraged to develop and adopt a community investment strategy that has an emphasis on:


  • Educating and supporting young people.
  • Promoting technology and innovation to shape the future contribution that the semiconductor industry will make to society.
  • Fostering diversity, equity and inclusion in society.
  • Protecting the environment and vulnerable communities from the impacts of climate change.


  • Supporting individuals, small and medium enterprises in their economic development.
  • Engaging employees in ST Foundation to bridge the digital divide.
  • Supporting charitable organizations and causes valuable for our employees and ST.

Our volunteers are at the heart of our community projects

Our volunteers are at the heart of our community projects

We have a long-standing commitment to investigating and understanding the communities where we operate and believe we have a responsibility towards our local ecosystems and society at large.

Learn more about our initiatives
  • 156,000 
    Hours working within local communities
  • 810+
    Volunteering initiatives
  • 1 million +
    People trained by ST Foundation in 28 countries since 2003
volunteers-st-value volunteers-st-value

Inspiring the next generation

As a global leader in the electronics industry, we believe we can make a valuable contribution to raising young people's awareness of the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) to inspire the innovations of tomorrow.

Our ambition is to support education in schools in all the countries where we operate. Through our ‘STEM your way’ program, we share our passion for science and electronics with young people.

To join us in our 'STEM your way' journey, please email sustainable.development@st.com.

Inspiring the next generation

As a global leader in the electronics industry, we believe we can make a valuable contribution to raising young people's awareness of the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) to inspire the innovations of tomorrow.

Our ambition is to support education in schools in all the countries where we operate. Through our ‘STEM your way’ program, we share our passion for science and electronics with young people.

To join us in our 'STEM your way' journey, please email sustainable.development@st.com.

Check how we support education
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Monitoring and developing suppliers

We believe that the social, environmental and ethical aspects of suppliers’ and subcontractors’ performance are key contributors to sustainable business success. That is why our Responsible Supply Chain program is embedded in our policies through our own Code of Conduct as well as our commitment to the industry standard RBA’s code of conduct V7.

Our program addresses labor, human rights, safety, ethics and environmental risks. It comprises three main steps: commitment, self-assessment questionnaire and audit with follow-up.

We are taking suppliers and subcontractors with us on our sustainability journey by providing training and support.

We also conduct due diligence in our sub-tier supply chain for raw materials we procure (Responsible Sourcing of Minerals).

Suppliers at risk committed to RBA

Responsible sourcing of minerals

We need to source a diverse array of minerals and metals used at different stages of production in both front-end and back-end manufacturing.

So,we have developed a holistic approach to identify, manage, and monitor 

responsible mineral sourcing to ensure we do not procure raw materials that are directly or indirectly associated with human rights violations and to minimize environmental impact.


Our policy statement is fully aligned with the OECD due diligence guidelines.

Learn how we strive to responsibly source minerals Responsibly source minerals
worksite mine

Responsible sourcing of minerals

We need to source a diverse array of minerals and metals used at different stages of production in both front-end and back-end manufacturing.

So,we have developed a holistic approach to identify, manage, and monitor 

responsible mineral sourcing to ensure we do not procure raw materials that are directly or indirectly associated with human rights violations and to minimize environmental impact.


Our policy statement is fully aligned with the OECD due diligence guidelines.

Learn how we strive to responsibly source minerals Responsibly source minerals
worksite mine

Engaging all stakeholders

We listen to our employees, customers, investors, and partners, take into account their expectations and concerns, and work together for mutual success.

By knowing our stakeholders better, we are able to anticipate potential issues, and also understand how to achieve the right balance between various stakeholders’ needs and expectations.

We listen to our employees, customers, investors, and partners, take into account their expectations and concerns, and work together for mutual success.

By knowing our stakeholders better, we are able to anticipate potential issues, and also understand how to achieve the right balance between various stakeholders’ needs and expectations.

stakeholder engagement

Contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The SDGs set by the United Nations define global sustainable development priorities and aspirations for 2030.

As a multinational company, we believe we have a responsibility and a role to play in helping to achieve these goals.