STM32 Cloud Solutions


IoT devices are at the heart of wireless networks, collecting and transmitting a lot of personal data, including sensitive information that requires protection.

Security is essential in cloud-connected devices to safeguard personal data and prevent cyberattacks, which is why it is regulated by dedicated standards.

IoT developers must comply with these security standards while ensuring timely product launches to win customer trust and achieve product success.

STM32 solutions allow developers to securely connect their IoT devices to the cloud, allowing them to deploy applications more easily such as asset tracking, fleet management, smart buildings, smart industry, and smart cities.

Solutions to easily create cloud-connected solutions

ST has teamed up with major cloud solution providers, such as Microsoft Azure IoT and Amazon AWS IoT, to help developers easily create IoT solutions using STM32 microcontrollers and microprocessors, and ST sensors.

ST offers a wide range of IoT hardware tools with pre-integrated software from STM32Cube expansion packages, a powerful development ecosystem, and starter kits. These solutions allow developers to connect IoT devices easily and securely to cloud platforms that monitor and manage billions of IoT devices.

STM32Cube Expansion AWS Amazon Web Service Microsoft Microsoft Azure X-CUBE-AWS X-CUBE-AZURE X-CUBE-CLDGEN Cloud Security Connectivity

Embedded Software

Microsoft Azure software expansion for STM32Cube

Microsoft logo Microsoft Azure

The X-CUBE-AZURE expansion package offers a set of libraries and application examples. It allows developers to connect IoT devices more easily and securely to Microsoft Azure IoT cloud platform.

  • Ready-to-run firmware examples to support quick evaluation and development of Microsoft® Azure® cloud-connected applications
  • Azure® RTOS port
  • Azure® RTOS NetX Duo network stack
  • TLS encryption
  • Azure® IoT add-on support
  • Azure® Device Provisioning Service (DPS)
  • Azure® plug and play
  • Azure® X.509 certificate attestation

AWS IoT software expansion for STM32Cube

AWS logo Amazon Web Service IoT Internet of Things

The X-CUBE-AWS Expansion Package is based on the Amazon FreeRTOS IoT reference integration demonstration. This software tool allows developers to connect devices to the AWS IoT cloud platform, in a more secure and easier way.

  • Amazon FreeRTOS IoT reference integration
  • Configurable TCP/IP stack
  • TLS encryption
  • Firmware update
  • AWS IoT Core multi-account registration
  • AWS IoT Core connection, device shadow, jobs, defender
  • AWS IoT Core OTA firmware update

Additional IoT cloud software expansion packages for STM32Cube

Private cloud

The X-CUBE-CLD-GEN expansion package offers a set of libraries and application examples. The sample applications let developers configure the network connectivity settings. They also show the different options available for a device to interact with the cloud.

A project example on sending sensor data to the cloud shows how an MQTT client (message queuing telemetry transport) can connect to an MQTT broker to publish data and receive parameter updates or commands from the cloud. An MQTT client is the name given to a device that runs an MQTT library, which can be any device from a server to a microcontroller.

The package supports device authentication through MQTT login and password, as well as TLS encryption, server authentication, and device authentication.

  • Ready-to-run firmware examples to support quick evaluation and development of IoT cloud applications using MQTT and HTTP protocols
    • MQTT protocol: Eclipse Mosquitto, Ubidots
    • HTTP protocol: Exosite, Grovestreams, Ubidots
  • Generic cloud communication protocols, enabling easy migration of applications to different cloud providers
  • TLS encryption


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Create cloud-connected IoT solutions with Azure IoT and AWS IoT

Easily and securely connect IoT devices to the AWS cloud

Quickly connect an STM32U5-based IoT sensor node to Microsoft Azure