STM32Cube Expansion Packages are embedded software packages that complement the STM32Cube MCU Packages with additional software bricks, including specific drivers for external companion chips or application-specific middleware. They offer developers simplified implementations of real-world use cases in many application areas, such as sensing, power management, connectivity, and audio. They also contain preconfigured project examples for ST boards and supported IDEs to get started easily.
In addition to the packages provided and supported by ST, many partners contribute to enrich the STM32Cube ecosystem with their innovative solutions. They provide software based on STM32Cube HAL or LL drivers, leveraging STM32 hardware resources.
STM32 developers can evaluate ST partners' solutions through STM32Cube expansions. These expansions come in different forms: STM32Cube demo binaries that can be loaded and run on their boards, STM32Cube example packages that can be opened and compiled, or STM32Cube packs that can be added (and possibly configured) to their STM32CubeMX tool project.

Are you developing, or planning to develop your own STM32Cube Expansion Package?
For an overview, visit our page on How to develop an STM32Cube Expansion Package in the STM32 MCU Wiki.