STM32 MPU OpenSTDroid Distribution

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"Designed for Arm® Cortex®-A core of STM32 microprocessors, the STM32 MPU Distribution for Android™ is a key element of the STM32 embedded software solution. This distribution is designed for microprocessors that embed a GPU.

The STM32 MPU Distribution for Android™ contains:

  • OpenSTLinux board support package (BSP)
  • Linux kernel and required drivers
  • Secure bootchain based on trusted firmware for Arm® Cortex®-A (TF-A) and universal bootloader (U-Boot)
  • Secure OS: Open portable trusted execution environment
  • Android™ application frameworks (middleware) relying on the OpenSTLinux BSP to provide API to the applications that typically interact with the user via the display or the touchscreen"


industrial robot arm
Industrial robots
Factory automation
Human machine interface (HMI)
medical hearth light
Medical and healthcare
Patient monitoring
Diagnostic equipment
smart home house
Smart homes
Smart thermostats
Industrial gateway
Samll appliances and kitchen aids

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OpenSTLinux Distribution is the key element of the STM32 software solution for STM32 MPUs with single or dual Arm Cortex®-A cores. On top of this main distribution, OpenSTLinux expansion packages (X-LINUX-xxx) can be added to support additional components, still using Arm Cortex®-A cores. Next to OpenSTLinux, the OpenSTdroid distribution brings the Android operating system to STM32, enabling developers to leverage Android's extensive ecosystem for application development.

In parallel to the Arm Cortex®-A distributions, the firmware for Arm Cortex®-M, along with STM32Cube packages, offers low-level drivers, middleware, and example projects tailored for STM32 microprocessors. Additionally, the STM32CubeMP13 opens the door to a bare-metal environment on Arm Cortex®-A, enabling real-time applications.

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