STM32 MPU OpenSTLinux Distribution

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As a mainlined open-source Linux distribution, OpenSTLinux Distribution is a key element of the STM32 embedded software solution for STM32 multimarket multicore microprocessors (MPU) embedding a single or dual Arm® Cortex®-A core. OpenSTLinux expansion packages (X-LINUX-xxx) can be applied on the top of the STM32 MPU OpenSTLinux distribution to enable the use of additional components.

    By massively investing in mainlining the OpenSTLinux Distribution, ST demonstrates its dedication to:
  • Accelerating the development of systems that needs high processing power, graphical support combined with power-efficient real-time control, and high feature integration
  • providing developers with an unprecedented level of support
  • OpenSTLinux is Yocto and Buildroot compliant
  • Enable Real-time Linux via OpenSTLinux Expansion package (X-LINUX-RT)


  • Industrial robots
  • Factory automation
  • Human machine interface HMI
  • Patient monitoring
  • Diagnostic equipment
  • Smart thermostat
  • Industrial gateway
  • Small appliances and kitchen aids

Product types:

To optimize each development phase of a project, ST offers software packages that let developers select the support that best meets their needs:

STM32MP2 Starter package
to quickly and easily start with any STM32MP2 microprocessor device
STM32MP2 Developer package
to add your own code on top of the STM32MP2 Embedded Software distribution
STM32MP2 Distribution package
to create your own Linux® distribution as well as your own Starter and Developer packages
STM32MP1 Starter package
STM32MP1 starter
to quickly and easily start with any STM32MP1 microprocessor device
STM32MP1 Developer package
to add your own code on top of the STM32MP1 Embedded Software distribution
STM32MP1 Distribution package
to create your own Linux® distribution as well as your own Starter and Developer packages

Discover our portfolio

Portfolio, expansion packages, stm32


    Designers working on a wide range of applications will benefit from:
  • Seamless software migration during kernel upgrades
  • Improving software quality and robustness as well as reducing risk
  • Development resources allocated to new innovative functionalities at application level
  • Reducing project time to market and cost
  • ST also gives the possibility to get OpenSTLinux BSP (build support package) built with buildroot via our bootlin partner.
  • OpenSTLinux is based on the Yocto Project


    The OpenSTLinux distribution contains:
  • Linux board support package (BSP)
    • Linux kernel
    • Required drivers
    • Secure bootchain based on Arm trusted firmware (TF-A) and universal bootloader (U-Boot)
    • Secure OS: Open portable trusted execution environment (OP-TEE)
  • Application frameworks including the following Linux application frameworks (nonexhaustive list):
    • Wayland display server protocol (Weston reference implementation)
    • Gstreamer multimedia framework
    • Advanced Linux sound architecture (ALSA) libraries
Discover our scalable solutions to boost the development of MPU-based systems
OpenSTLinux Distribution