Kudelski IoT is the Internet of Things division of Kudelski Group and provides end-to-end IoT solutions, IoT product design, and full lifecycle services to IoT device manufacturers, ecosystem creators, and end-user companies. These solutions and services leverage the group’s 30+ years of innovation in digital business model creation; hardware, software, and ecosystem design and testing; state-of-the-art security lifecycle management technologies and services and managed operation of complex systems.
Kudelski IoT’s operational security expertise is used to protect all key IoT assets – devices, identity, data, decisions, commands, and actions – throughout the entire lifetime of the device and its ecosystem. Their decades of expertise in embedded security and cybersecurity solutions makes them the ideal strategic security partner for any IoT device manufacturer or ecosystem implementer.
Since 1951, Kudelski Group has delivered cutting-edge technologies and services to their clients, whether in IoT, pay TV, cyber security, or public access. Kudelski Group has been responsible for some of the most important technology innovations spanning the 20th and 21st centuries, including the Emmy and Oscar award-winning NAGRA recorder (featured in the Netflix series, “Spycraft”).
Products and services offered by Kudelski
They offer services, systems, and solutions for any customer at any stage of their IoT lifecycle, whether it be helping them design the entire solution, architect the right level of security for their product, or contribute foundational security technologies to help them protect their revenue and reputation.
Their collaboration with ST involves primarily the integration of their keySTREAM root of trust and security client into certain ST products to provide a robust foundation for many kinds of critical IoT security use cases:
- Provision Device Identity (in the factory or in the field)
- Protect the Device (FOTA, secure boot)
- Protect the Data (end-to-end encryption from chip to cloud, at rest and in transit)
- Provision Certificates (Matter DACs, PKI or other certificate/key requirements)
Kudelski in STMicroelectronics Ecosystem
By collaborating with ST, ST customers get Kudelski IoT’s flexible and robust security built directly into ST products. This ensures not only the functionality and reliability of ST chipsets and modules, but also the scalable security provided by an industry leader in security lifecycle management.
Kudelski group: Related Resources
Description | Category |
IoT Security with Kudelski Group - A Technology Pioneer since 1951 | Video |
IoT Security Center of Excellence | Video |
(#IoT) (#STM32Trust)

Products and Services offered:
• Design Services
• Embedded Software
• Global Services
Company Head Office address:
22-24 Route de Geneve, 1033, Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne, Switzerland
Company primary contact:
Rob Ellison
Company website:
Kudelski IoT Security
Partner Product | Description | Associated ST Products | |
Kudelski IoT - IoT Secure SW Client | APIs to manage all aspects of protecting your digital and physical assets | STM32L4 series |
Partner Product | Description | Associated ST Products | |
Matter DACs & PKI as a Service | Matter DAC (Device Attestation Certificate) service for compliance with the Matter standard, as well as the generation and provisioning of other PKI certificates | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs | |
Kudelski IoT keySTREAM | Kudelski IoT key management system that creates a chain of trust between your devices, your data and your IoT platform and applications | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs | |
Secure FOTA Service | Secure firmware over the air update management service for IoT devices | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs | |
In-Field Provisioning | Secure provisioning of IoT devices credentials at deployment | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs |
Partner Product | Description | Associated ST Products | |
Kudelski IoT - IoT Security Labs | Threat analysis, security architecture, device security analysis, regulatory gap analysis | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs |
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