About Tuxera's HCC Embedded Brand
Tuxera develops deeply embedded software components “out of context”, which ensures that they can be used as core elements of any system, including those engineered to meet stringent requirements for safety, quality, and portability. Built on a foundation of quality, Tuxera has a product portfolio of more than 250 embedded components, with deep competencies in reliable flash memory management, fail-safe file systems, and IPv4/v6 networking stacks and their associated security protocols, as well as a comprehensive suite of USB host and function software. Since 2002, Tuxera has supplied these embedded software components to more than 2,000 companies globally in a wide range of industries including industrial, medical, and automotive.
Tuxera has built its organization on quality (ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001 certified) to deliver quality solutions.
With the introduction of its SEooC (Safety Elements out of Context), Tuxera is using its focus on developing reusable safety components to raise the standard of available embedded software elements even higher. The embedded world is changing rapidly in terms of the complexity of development environments and the complexity of the required solutions. Tuxera continues to evolve with this change and provides embedded solutions to help companies, across all industries and locations, meet these challenges.
Advanced Embedded Framework
Tuxera has developed more than 250 reusable software components for use in deeply embedded systems. To do this in a scalable way with consistent quality across these components, Tuxera has created its Advanced Embedded Framework (AEF), the standard to which all components are engineered. The AEF ensures that each component is independent from any particular architecture, RTOS, or toolchain. It also prescribes levels of quality to the code and its interfaces, to ensure that there is a consistent “look and feel” across the product range.
HCC Embedded products are used, without modification, in thousands of customer projects with over 30 different RTOSes, in 8, 16, 32 and 64-bit systems, big- or little-endian, with many architectures and tool chains.
Integrated Projects
Over the past 17 years, HCC has built more than 2,000 projects where HCC engineers have integrated HCC embedded components with its customers’ designs. The advantage of this approach is that Tuxera experts perform the software implementation on the customer-agreed target system. In this way, Tuxera provides its customers with a common platform for development and support. Customers are buying more than just software; they are engaging in a long-term engineering partnership.
Products and Services offered:
• Embedded Software
Company Head Office address:
Vaci ut 76, H-1133, Budapest, Hungary
Company primary contact:
Company primary contact phone:
+36 1 450 2302
Company website:
Partner Product | Description | Associated ST Products | |
Tuxera Reliance Sense | Smart-meter File System (SMFS) custom-designed for smart energy & smart-meter applications | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs | |
Tuxera IPSec/IKE | Security in embedded apps (cars, PoS, medical, industrial) | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs | |
Tuxera Fail-safe File System | All Flash File Systems with fail-safe mechanisms for STM32 | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs STM8 8-bit MCUs | |
Tuxera MISRA TCP/IPv4 and IPv6 | Embedded stack developed using a verifiable process and conforming strongly to MISRA coding standards | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs | |
Tuxera TLS | Optimized software module designed to provide secure network communications | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs | |
Tuxera USB Stack | USB Host & Device and OTG stacks with wide range of class drivers for STM32 | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs | |
Tuxera SafeTCPIP | A complete TCP/IP v4 stack for safety-critical automotive, industrial, or medical embedded systems | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs | |
Tuxera MQTT | MQTT is a small and efficient machine-to-machine protocol | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs | |
Tuxera Bootloaders | Optimized high quality solutions bootloaders | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs STM8 8-bit MCUs | |
Tuxera FAT File System | FAT File systems for flash storage media | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs STM8 8-bit MCUs | |
Tuxera Embedded Encryption Manager (EEM) | Secure embedded systems using multiple encryption or hash algorithms through a uniform interface | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs |
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