As an experienced provider in the AI/ML space we realized that open-source frameworks did not meet our standards for accuracy and memory footprint when it comes to TinyML. As a result, we took it upon ourselves to create a unique AI framework that is tailored to our client's specific needs enabling all of our partners and customers to excel and bring more solutions to the market. As a result, Neuton.AI is a comprehensive platform, which handles all aspects of our AI projects. Neuton has proven to be highly effective in providing our clients with the best possible solution in the shortest amount of time and efforts.
Neuton.AI is a no-code TinyML platform enabling everyone regardless of experience or expertise to build and deploy Machine Learning models directly to an ISPU and/or to any MCU natively. Neuton.AI’s resulting models are typically 10x’s smaller in size and have 10x’s faster inference in comparison to other comparative products. Additionally, by offering a highly automated and transparent pipeline Neuton improves and streamlines the customer experience and time to market.
Neuton has streamlined the process of machine learning through the development of highly compressed and precise models that can be readily integrated into the intelligent sensor processing unit (ISPU). The platform provides a no-code solution ready to be embedded models for various use cases, including but not limited to:
- gesture recognition
- human interfacing
- vital sign determination
- human activity recognition
- predictive maintenance
These capabilities empower users to explore the new product line and possibilities of the ISPU efficiently and effectively. By leveraging the available partnership customers would be empowered to bring intelligence to the ISPU by directly deploying Machine Learning models directly to the sensor itself.
Neuton.AI: Related Resources
Description | Category |
AI at the Sensor Edge: Hand Activity Recognition on the ST ISPU | Video |

Products and Services offered:
• Engineering Services
• Software Development Tools
Company Head Office address:
950 S Bascom Ave, STE 3013, 95128, San Jose, California, United States
Company primary contact:
Blair Newman
Company website:
Partner Product | Description | Associated ST Products | |
Neuton.AI | ML Models for Sensors | LSM6DSO16IS ISM330IS |
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