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AWS IoT software expansion for STM32Cube targeting STM32H573I-DK

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Product overview

Key Benefits

Accelerate time to market

This STM32H5 software package offers a set of libraries and application examples to connect STM32H5 to AWS IoT cloud platform.

Provide a secure and scalable way to connect devices to the cloud


Developers focusing on PSA Certified level 3 & SESIP3 target certifications can accelerate their qualification process.


The X-CUBE-AWS-H5 Expansion Package consists of an adaptation of the Amazon FreeRTOS™ STM32U5 IoT reference integration ported to an STM32H573I-DK Discovery kit as an end device.

X-CUBE-AWS-H5 proposes four projects that expose the same functionalities to the user: telemetry, shadows, device defender, jobs, and over-the-air firmware update. The telemetry data consists in the count of the IP packets going in and out of the network interface.

The easy step-in projects, aws_eth and aws_ri (no-TrustZone®), save the device credentials and settings in the external NOR flash memory of the STM32H573I-DK Discovery kit. They provide Ethernet and Wi‑Fi® connectivity, respectively.

The reference projects, aws_eth_tz aws_ri_tz (Arm® TrustZone® and STMicroelectronics secure manager), keep the device credentials and settings encrypted in the MCU secure storage. The security-sensitive data and operations remain in a secure partition, where they are not exposed to the user application. The secure boot process acts as a root of trust for the application before launching it. It takes care of the secure firmware update once a new image has been downloaded by the user application. In addition, at MCU manufacturing time, STMicroelectronics provisions a unique identity in the chip. It consists of an ECDSA key pair and an X.509 certificate signed by STMicroelectronics. This project uses this certificate for connecting to AWS IoT Core™.

Before running aws_eth_tz or aws_ri_tz, the user must install the secure manager on the STM32H573I-DK target. The secure manager access kit is available as X-CUBE-SEC-M-H5 from the STM32TRUSTEE-SM STMicroelectronics secure manager web page.

The STM32H573I-DK Discovery kit, which natively supports Ethernet connectivity, targets both the AWS IoT Core™ and the FreeRTOS™ qualification.

  • All features

    • Ready-to-run firmware example using Ethernet or Wi‑Fi® connectivity to support the quick evaluation and development of Amazon Web Services® cloud-connected applications based on STM32H5 series microcontrollers
    • Amazon FreeRTOS™ IoT reference integration for the STM32H573I-DK Discovery kit
    • Ethernet
    • Wi‑Fi® MXCHIP EMW3080B module over SPI through the STMod+connector of the Discovery kit
    • Configurable TCP/IP stack
    • TLS encryption
    • Firmware update
    • AWS IoT Core™ multi-account registration
    • AWS IoT Core™ just-in-time registration
    • AWS IoT Core™ connection, device shadow, jobs, defender
    • AWS IoT Core™ OTA firmware update
    • Telemetry
    • Command-line interface:
      • Device provisioning
      • Configuration saving to NVM
      • Monitoring of the FreeRTOS™ kernel tasks and their memory usage
    • Easy step-in project, without Arm® TrustZone®
    • STMicroelectronics secure manager enabled project:
      • Arm® TrustZone®
      • Secure boot
      • Unique device authentication initially provisioned by STMicroelectronics at manufacturing time: device key pair and X.509 certificate
      • Secure storage of private key and user secrets
      • Sensitive operations executed in an isolated environment

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