Standard and snubberless triacs

ST's triacs designs and manufacturing technology set the industry standards for a wide range of medium-power TRIACs. Standard and Snubberless triacs belong to our STPOWER family.

Our 3-quadrant 1200 V triacs target industrial 3-phase equipment with secured transient immunity.

ST's 600-800 V 3Q and 4Q triacs have 5 to 50 mA gate options on a 0.8 to 40 A span of current ratings. The package range covers surface-mount SMB flat to ceramic-insulated heavy-duty TOP-3 packages (T2650-6PFT4050-6PF).

The diac is both a phase-angle trigger complement for triacs in dimmers and an ignition sequence helper in power supplies of lighting electronics such as compact fluorescent lamps (CFL), tube lamps (TL), and LED lighting solutions.