Featuring immunity to surges and transients in static states and commutations, our silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCR), also known as thyristors, are ideal for single- and three-phase power line networks, even in harsh environments up to 150°C. Thyristors (SCR) belong to our STPOWER family.
In addition to AC, DC and capacitive ignitor circuits, these unidirectional switches are found in high-voltage industrial circuits as well as automotive equipment and all other segments where electromechanical relays are not operative or unreliable.
Whenever a bidirectional switch function is needed at 20 A and more, a back-to-back SCR configuration will work with no compromise on the function/immunity.
An even simpler bidirectional AC power line switch is also available.
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The STEVAL-SCR002V1 introduces a simple and innovative AC-DC front-end circuit that allows the designer to perform an inrush current limitation in any converter with input rectifier bridge topologies.
eDesignSuite is a comprehensive set of easy-to-use design-aid utilities ready to help you streamline the system development process with a wide range of ST products.
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Twister Sim
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