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Car access systems / keyless entry

Near Field Communication (NFC) enabled keyless systems, such as cards or smartphones, provide a convenient and secure way to access vehicles. Car keys have long been a weak link in vehicle security and will progressively be replaced by this technology as it filters down from premium vehicles to the mainstream. The NFC-based solutions will not only add a more flexible and cost-effective access mechanism, they will also provide new possibilities such as enabling rental car companies to send to a renters’ smartphone the ability to unlock and start their rental car using NFC. Read more

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Car access systems / keyless entry

NFC transceivers and microcontrollers

ST’s NFC transceivers and SPC58 microcontrollers with embedded Hardware Security Modules (HSM), cover the most important requirements for such access control applications: security, reliability, usability and cost efficiency.

How ST supports car makers' transformation journey with innovative microcontroller and software solutions