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Lighting controls

Lighting controls have evolved from simple triac dimmers to more sophisticated solutions. New applications require different lighting controls which include light sensors, digital and PWM dimmers, DALI network-based systems and wireless programming solutions for the home and even stage lighting. The development of intelligent network-based lighting control solutions have increase the value of LED and other lighting systems. Read more

Light dimmer

Light dimmers help improve comfort as well as reduce energy consumption by enabling users to adjust ambient illumination levels. They can have simple manually operated knobs or be operated by a remote control and even be part of a building lighting c
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Lighting sensors

The global acceptance of LED lighting systems makes them an ideal place to add intelligent sensors as part of the Internet of Things (IoT). Lighting sensors with wired or wireless connectivity in lighting systems enables improved energy efficiency. 
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Lighting wireless control

Today's smart LED bulbs let users control features including brightness and color. These properties are controlled though the driver and can be programmed and modified at any time during manufacturing, distribution, installation or maintenance.  The
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Our products and solutions

ST's long-term partnerships with major lighting suppliers combined with our leadership in discrete and integrated power devices enable us to offer high efficiency and cost-optimized solutions for all types of lighting applications and their control – both wired (e.g. Powerline) or wireless (RF) – for industrial, residential, commercial, and architectural lighting applications.