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STM32L1 STMTouch touch-sensing library

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STMicroelectronics touch-sensing libraries provide a complete robust free source-code solution to be used on STM8L, STM8TL5x, STM32F0xx, STM32F3xx and STM32L1xx microcontrollers. This solution allows designers familiar with the use of standard microcontrollers to create higher-end human interfaces by replacing conventional electromechanical switches by capacitive sensors.

The xxxx-TOUCH-LIB is part of the application firmware. It allows combining various capacitive sensing touchkeys, linear or rotary touch sensors with traditional MCU features (communications, control of LEDs, beeper or LCD) in the same application.

Two capacitive acquisition principles, surface Charge Transfer (CT) and ProxSenseTM, are available and can be configured at compiling level. Both acquisition principles offer the same advanced processing algorithms to filter out noise and to compensate environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity, and power supply variation.

Note: ProxSense is a trademark of Azoteq (Pty) Ltd.

  • All features

    • Complete free C source code library with firmware examples for STM8L, STM8TL5x, STM32F0xx, STM32F3xx and STM32L1xx microcontrollers
    • Both surface Charge Transfer (CT) and ProxSenseTM (PXS) acquisition principles supported
    • Multifunction capability to combine capacitive sensing functions with traditional MCU features
    • Modular architecture allowing easy addition of new acquisitions or sensors
    • Acquisition, filtering and calibration functions
    • Enhanced processing features for optimized sensitivity and immunity
      • Environment Control System (ECS)
      • Detection Time Out (DTO)
      • Detection Exclusion System (DXS)
      • Noise filter
    • Flexible touchkey/linear/rotary touch sensors configuration and combination
      • Unlimited number of sensors supported
      • Each sensor can have its own state machine
    • Active shield feature
    • Compliant with MISRA
    • Compliant with Cosmic, IAR, Raisonance, Keil, Altium and Atollic C compilers

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