Product overview
FP-IND-IODOUT1 is an STM32Cube function pack which lets you enable IO-Link communication between P-NUCLEO-IOD3A1 or P-NUCLEO-IOD04A1 or P-NUCLEO-IOD7A1 kits and an IO-Link master through the L6362A transceiver mounted on the STEVAL-IOD003V1 or the L6364Q transceiver mounted on the X-NUCLEO-IOD02A1.
The function pack integrates an IO-Link demo-stack and the management of IPS2050H and IPS2050H-32, dual channel high side switches mounted on the X-NUCLEO-OUT03A1 and X-NUCLEO-OUT04A1 respectively, integrates also an IO-Link demo-stack and the management of IPS4260LM quad channel low side driver mounted on the X-NUCLEO-OUT07A1.
FP-IND-IODOUT1 also includes the IODD file to be uploaded to your IO-Link master.
The software included in the package can be used in three integrated development environments (IDEs): IAR, KEIL and STM32CubeIDE.
All features
- Complete firmware to build IO-Link device applications for STM32L073RZ, STM32G071RB or STM32L452RE based boards
- Middleware libraries featuring IO-Link device mini-stack for L6364Q and L6362A transceiver ICs
- Drivers for L6364Q/L6362A transceivers and IPS2050H/IPS2050H-32/IPS4260LM Intelligent Power Switches
- Ready-to-use binary for IO-Link device data transmission and IPS2050H/IPS2050H-32/IPS4260LM control
- Easy portability across different MCU families, thanks to STM32Cube
- Free, user-friendly license terms