Product overview
BlueNRG-Mesh is a software solution for connecting multiple BLE (Bluetooth low energy) devices in Mesh networks for Internet of Things (IoT) solutions. It enables true two-way communication between Bluetooth-enabled devices in powerful, secure, integrated and range-extending Mesh networks.
The solution is compatible with the ST BlueNRG-LP device.
All features
- Mesh network with Bluetooth low energy (BLE) nodes enabling communication between a BLE device and a Smartphone
- Control and monitor applications involving short packets
- Advertising packets used for data communication using managed flooding method
- Multi-hop data transmission up to 126 hops
- Network node support up to 32,767 nodes
- Multiple communication scenario
- Smartphone to node communication with unicast addressing
- Smartphone to node communication with multicast (Group) addressing
- Smartphone to node communication with broadcast addressing
- Node to node communication
- Secure communication
- Devices added to a network are provisioned using proven security algorithms using 256-bit elliptic curves
- All messages in the network are encrypted with AES-128 CCM mode
- Privacy through obfuscation
- Protected against security attacks like Brute-force, Bit-Flipping, Eaves Dropping, Replay, Trashcan, Man in the middle and physical insecure device attacks
- Supported features
- Publish-subscribe paradigm (up to 10 groups)
- Node UUID configurable by user
- Provisioning and network layer based on Mesh profile v1.0.1
- Heartbeat
- Provisioned node database transfer among smartphones via e-mail and cloud applications
- Multiple element per node support
- Key refresh
- Initialization vector (IV) update procedure
- Whitelist and blacklist filtering
- Provisioning over advertising (PB-ADV)
- Output OOB, Input OOB, Public Key OOB Provisioning
- Single callback for multiple AD types in custom beacon
- Firmware name shown in the BLE scanner
- Multiple network and application key support
- Embedded Provisioner implementation
- Friendship and low power implementation
- Supported models
- Configuration model
- Health model
- Generic model on-off, level example
- Generic Power on-off server
- Generic Transition time server
- Lighting model example (Lightness, CTL, HSL)
- Light LC Server Models
- Light LC controller
- Vendor model
- Template for Time, Sensor model and Scene model
- Embedded SDK available
- Demo Application source code for user application development
- Mesh stack provided as precompiled/object library
- Support for BlueNRG-LP product family
- Ready examples for STEVAL-IDB011V1
- Android and iOS SDK available
- Demo App source code available
- Mesh implementation provided as library
- Android App available on Google Play Store
- iOS App available on iTunes
- Supported devices:
- BlueNRG-LP
- Embedded SDK is easily portable on other evaluation boards using BlueNRG family of products by modifying the board support package (BSP)
- ST BLE Mesh library compliant with Bluetooth SIG Mesh Profile Specifications v1.0.1 (QDID:146387)
- Mesh Model Client Server compliant with Bluetooth SIG Mesh Model Specifications v1.0.1 (QDID = 151209)