Product overview
The STSW-ILL082V1 firmware drives the smart LED lighting logic on the STEVAL-ILL082V1 board.
The software runs on the STM32L0 and includes the drivers required for interfacing with the on-board HVLED815PF LED driver and SPSGRF Sub-GHz RF transceiver module.
The software is built on STM32Cube software technology to ease portability across different STM32 microcontrollers.
It bundles sample applications that can receive specific commands from the STEVAL-IDI005V1 for remote LED light control and dimming.
All features
- Complete middleware to build applications using the STM32L0 microcontroller, the SPSGRF Sub-GHz RF transceiver module and the HVLED815PF off-line LED driver
- Easy portability across different MCU families, thanks to STM32Cube libraries
- AT commands from master to slave
- Free, user-friendly license terms