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Software pack for EVLIOL4LSV1, IO-Link actuator for industrial tower light

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Product overview


The STSW-IOL4LSV1 is a function pack which allows the user to enable IO-Link communication between EVLIOL4LSV1 and an IO-Link master through the onboard L6364 transceiver and the IO-Link demo-stack library running on the STM32G071CB.

The STSW-IOL4LSV1 is a compressed file (.zip) containing the pre-loaded running firmware (.hex) and another compressed file (.7z) with the two main folders of the project. These two folders are the IODD folder and the development project folder.

The IODD files must be uploaded to the IO-Link master connected to the EVLIOL4LSV1.

The software files included in the development project folder can be used in three integrated development environments (IDEs): IAR, Keil®, and STM32CubeIDE.

Apart from the IO-Link demo-stack, the function pack integrates the management of the IPS4260L quad channel low-side driver.

Additional details about how to operate with the STSW-IOL4LSV1 and EVLIOL4LSV1 are available in the quick start guide (EVLIOL4LSV1-quick-start-guide.pdf) associated with the EVLIOL4LSV1.

The STSW-IOL4LSV1 is available for free on

  • All features

    • Full control of the EVLIOL4LSV1 by the pre-loaded running firmware
    • Complete project files to build IO-Link device applications for STM32G071CBT6 and IPS4260L
    • Middleware libraries featuring IO-Link device mini-stack for L6364Q
    • Drivers for L6364Q and IPS4260L
    • Easy portability across different MCU families, thanks to STM32Cube
    • Free, user-friendly license terms

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