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Miniature transceiver STKNX demonstration firmware

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The STSW-KITSTKNX is demonstration firmware for the EVALKITSTKNX evaluation kit.

The firmware uses a demonstration version of the TAPKO® KNX protocol stack KAIstack. ( )

This software runs on the STM32F103 and provides complete management of the EVALKITSTKNX evaluation board.

It is built on top of Standard Peripheral Libraries (SPL) developed by ST.

The software comes with three examples of implementation to demonstrate STKNX capabilities:

- 4 in - 4 out

- LED Leveling

- Pseudo LED Dimmer

  • All features

    • TAPKO KNX demonstration protocol stack KAIstack for KNX communication using the STKNX miniature transceiver
    • Compatible with ETS engineering tool software
    • Three examples to demonstrate KNX capabilities of STKNX miniature transceiver
    • Uses the ST Standard Peripheral Libraries (SPL)
    • Supported development environment: STMicroelectronics STM32CubeIDE available on

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