Product overview
The STSW-LLL005FW firmware package for the STEVAL-LLL005V1 evaluation board provides 6x10 LED matrix control through on-board buttons and an Android app via Bluetooth low energy communication.
Data between microcontroller and LED driver is transferred through SPI interfaces.
You can add or modify demos to control board behavior and you can also extend the demo for LED configurations other than the 6x10 LED matrix.
The STSW-LLL005FW firmware includes STM32F0 HAL drivers and Bluetooth low energy middleware for ST BlueNRG and BlueNRG-MS devices.
All features
- Embedded STM32F0 series software samples for STEVAL-LLL005V1
- 6 preprogrammed demos with different LED patterns
- 10 scrolling speed levels for each demo
- 10 brightness levels for each demo
- 10 blinking frequency levels for each demo
- Integrated Bluetooth low energy drivers
- Support for Android app