Product overview
The STSW-STGAP4 is a user-friendly graphical user interface that allows to configure and monitor up to eight STGAP4S devices connected through an SPI daisy chain to the microcontroller board STEVAL-PC009V2.
A simple USB connection allows the GUI to communicate with the microcontroller board.
The user interface offers an outlook of all the registers of the STGAP4S devices connected, providing an easy view of the devices status and diagnostics, and allows the configuration of all the available features.
The configuration values can be saved in a file that can be recalled at any time.
All features
- Compatible with EVALSTGAP4S board
- Configuration panel to easily configure devices
- Status panel to easily monitor device status
- Up to eight devices connected in daisy chain
- Requires STEVAL-PCC009V2 interface board