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Cellular to cloud connectivity software package for STEVAL-STWINKT1 evaluation kit for industrial IoT applications

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Product overview


The STSW-STWINCELL software package enables the connection of industrial nodes to the Internet via cellular networks. It represents a baseline solution that developers can build on to reduce design cycle overheads on their final products and applications.

The software performs time domain and spectral analysis on IIS3DWB accelerometer (up to 6 kHz), environmental (temperature, pressure and relative humidity) and ultrasound data (up to 80 kHz), and transmits results to the DSH-PREDMNT AWS cloud dashboard application using the MQTT protocol.

The firmware runs on the STEVAL-STWINKT1B SensorTile Wireless Industrial Node development kit MCU (STM32L4R9ZIJ6), and requires the additional STMod+ cellular expansion board featuring the BG96 modem by Quectel (LTE Cat M1/NB-IoT/2G fallback).

The cellular expansion board is included in the P-L496GCELL02 discovery pack or available as STEVAL-STMODLTE.

  • All features

    • Environmental, pre-processed time and frequency domain vibration data and algorithms for ultrasound emissions
    • Acts as a host for cellular connectivity applications supporting LPWAN technologies (LTE Cat M1 and NB-IoT)
    • Connectivity to IoT cloud using MQTT protocol
    • Compatible with DSH-PREDMNT AWS cloud dashboard for remote data monitoring
    • FreeRTOS™ third party RTOS kernel for embedded devices
    • Signal processing (MotionSP) middleware for vibration analysis in:
      • time domain: speed RMS and acceleration peak
      • frequency domain: FFT with programmable size, averaging, overlapping and windowing
    • PC terminal boot menu via VCOM for device FW customization (APN, cloud API key)
    • Supports IAR™, Keil®, and GCC-based development environments

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