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Firmware examples for STEVAL-STWINKT1 evaluation kit for Industry 4.0

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The STSW-STWINKT01 firmware package for the SensorTile Wireless Industrial Node (STWIN) development kit provides sample projects that you can use to develop custom predictive maintenance, smart industry, IoT and remote monitoring applications. The package is based on STM32Cube software technology, and includes all the low level drivers to manage the on-board devices and system-level interfaces.

The package features one project that demonstrates data logging functionality. It involves streaming data via the USB Virtual COM Port class, which you can subsequently display directly on a PC terminal.

Other two projects demonstrate wireless connectivity using Bluetooth® low energy and Wi-Fi. The BLE_SampleApp project allows you to stream environmental sensor data via the Bluetooth® low energy protocol, and is compatible with our freely available ST BLE Sensor app on Android and iOS stores, so you can read and manipulate the data from your mobile device. The Wi-Fi project requires the STEVAL-STWINWFV1 Wi-Fi expansion board (not included in the kit) to implement basic network functionality including pinging a remote station, connecting to a TLS secure server, sending data to an echo server and verifying returned data, and running a server that a remote client can connect to.

For HSDatalog example, refer to FP-SNS-DATALOG1 software package.

For audio streaming examples, refer to X-CUBE-MEMSMIC1 software package.

  • All features

    • Set of firmware examples that show how to implement basic functions on the STEVAL-STWINKT1B (and STEVAL-STWINKT1):
      • Sensor data streaming example via USB terminal (VCP)
      • Wi-Fi network functionality using the connectivity framework (with Wi-Fi expansion board)
      • Sensor data streaming via Bluetooth® low energy
      • Source code freely available from the ST website with developer-friendly license terms
    • Embedded software, middleware and drivers:
      • FatFS third party FAT file system module for small embedded systems
      • FreeRTOS third party RTOS kernel for embedded devices
      • STWIN Low-Level BSP drivers
    • Based on STM32Cube software development environment for STM32 microcontrollers

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