Product overview
The STSW-WIFI004 package integrates the TCP/IP protocol stack FW binary files (.hex and .fota) compatible with the SPWF04Sx Wi-Fi module with embedded 2 MB Flash.
The TCP/IP protocol stack FW supports both direct links with Wi-Fi-enabled devices and infrastructure communication modes with an access point.
Application utilities such as an HTTP client, a web server, RESTful API for accessing files on servers in the cloud, and support for dynamic web pages with SSI functions are also featured to allow easy integration with many Internet-based applications. See also application note AN4965 for further details on HTTP server capabilities.
Multiple higher level protocols over TCP are supported by the module, including: HTTP, MQTT, SMTP, and WebSockets to easily connect applications to the cloud. Multiple protocols supported over UDP include: TFTP, SNTP and mDNS. The module also includes IPv6 networking capabilities.
For secure end-to-end communication with the cloud, a TLS stack is embedded in every module with no licensing charge. See application note AN4963 for details.
The FW package also includes an AT command layer interface for user-friendly access to the stack functionalities via the UART serial port and an SPI slave interface, supporting messages from and to the host processor.
A complete description of the TCP/IP protocol stack FW interface is provided in user manual UM2114.
The SPWF04Sx module’s firmware can be securely upgraded via UART and over-the-air (FOTA).
ST may update the FW provided with the modules at any time. ST recommends that users regularly check for documentation and the current FW version, which is available at
All features
- AT-like command interface through UART and SPI
- Integrated TCP/IPv6, TCP/IPv4 protocol stacks
- 8 simultaneous TCP or UDP clients and 2 socket servers (supporting up to 8 clients each)
- Secured socket and upper layers (i.e. HTTPS) supporting up to TLS 1.2, including X.509 Certicates AES (128, 256), hash (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384 ) and public key algorithms for key exchange (RSA, DH, ECDH) and digital signature (RSA, ECDSA).
- Web server supporting SSI and dynamic web pages.
- RESTful API to GET & POST web content
- Open, WEP, WPA2 PSK, WPA2 enterprise
- System modes: Station, IBSS, and miniAP (supporting up to 5 STA)
- miniAP easily provisioned (SSID, PWD)
- Fast Wi-Fi re-association after reset
- Secure firmware and file-system update over-the-air (FOTA)
- Application subsystem
- Embedded real-time MicroPython environment for customer applications and on-board development
- MicroPython API library for easy access to Wi-Fi subsystem capabilities and device peripherals (i.e. UART, SPI, I2C)