L9963E Evaluation Board with on board MCU with preloaded firmware (GUI)

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The EVAL-L9963E-MCU is a hardware tool for evaluation of L9963E, automotive chip for battery management applications. It can be used for the development of a 48 V battery management system (BMS) or as lower stage of a distributed BMS (depending on total battery voltage. Additional stages can be added thanks to EVAL-L9963E-NDS).

EVAL-L9963E-MCU allows the user to connect up to 14 channels for cell voltage sensing, one channel for current sensing, and up to 4 analog input for temperature sensing (plus an additional on-board NTC to sense PCB temperature). The board provides an onboard microcontroller with preloaded GUI (graphical user interface) firmware intended to be used with STSW-L9963E PC GUI.

  • All features

    • Measures from 4 to 14 cells in series, with 0 μs desynchronization delay between samples. Supports also busbar connection without altering cell results
    • Coulomb counter supporting pack overcurrent detection in both ignition on and off states
    • Fully synchronized current and voltage samples
    • 16-bit voltage measurement
    • 2.66 Mbps isolated serial communication with regenerative buffer, supporting dual access ring
    • Transformer based isolation
    • Up to 4 analog inputs for NTC sensing, plus PCB temperature sensing
    • Onboard microcontroller SPC574S64E3 with 32-bit Power Architecture MCU for automotive chassis and safety applications
    • Onboard L9001 regulator as microcontroller power supply
    • Hot plug dedicated circuit

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The current status of a product:
Active: Product is in volume production
Evaluation: Product is under characterization. Limited Engineering samples available
Preview: Product is in design stage
Target: Product is in design feasibility stage.No commitment taken to produce
Proposal: Marketing proposal for customer feedback.No commitment taken to design or produce
NRND: Not Recommended for New Design.Product is in volume production only to support customers ongoing production.
The RoHS status of a product:
ECOPACK 1: Initial grade to identify European RoHS compliant products.
ECOPACK 2: New grade to identify brominated chlorinated and antimony oxide flame retardant free products.
ECOPACK 3: Halogen free RoHS exemptions free products.
(*): ECOPACK 2 version available upon request.
(**): Some versions still existing in ECOPACK 1 or not compliant.
Compliancy with WEEE Directive (2012/19/EU)The current status of a product:
Active: Product is in volume production
Evaluation: Product is under characterization. Limited Engineering samples available
Preview: Product is in design stage
Target: Product is in design feasibility stage.No commitment taken to produce
Proposal: Marketing proposal for customer feedback.No commitment taken to design or produce
NRND: Not Recommended for New Design.Product is in volume production only to support customers ongoing production.
Budgetary PriceMain country of assembly or fabrication of the product.ECCNs are five character alpha-numeric designations used on the Commerce Control List to identify dual-use items for export control purposes. ECCNs are five character alpha-numeric designations used on the Commerce Control List to identify dual-use items for export control purposes.